BodyworksNortheast Massage Therapy
Massage for Sports, Relaxation, and Health On the Seacoast in Newmarket, NH



What Should I Expect?

There are many misconceptions about massage, so this is an explanation of what happens from the time you arrive at the massage clinic to when you leave. 

When you arrive, you will either have the client intake form that you filled out with you or will be asked to complete it before the massage.  This form lets me know if there are physical issues of which I must be aware before and during the massage, such as skin conditions, injuries, and the like.  After this review, you will be asked what you are wanting from the massage, so we can establish an objective for the session. You will be asked to pay the appropriate fee at this time.

You will be escorted into the treatment area, which is a private space with a massage table.  I will ask you to remove as much clothing as you are comfortable doing (many people remove all of their clothing, while some continue to wear undergarments or even more). I will leave the room while you undress, and will have instructed you to get on the table and under the sheet (called a "drape"), either face down or face up, and cover yourself with the sheet.  When you are undressed and under the sheet, I will re-enter the room to begin the massage.  The sheet is called "draping", and you will remain draped throughout the massage.  I will move the sheet around to expose the parts of the body where I will be working, and then will cover that part and move onto the next.  For example, I may uncover your back, massage your back, and then re-cover your back with the sheet and move onto, say, your left leg, uncovering it for massage. Then I'll cover the left leg again, and uncover the right for treatment.  My intention is to maintain your privacy and modesty and while allowing me to perform  a complete and thorough massage. When the "up" side is complete, I will hold the sheet like a tent, and ask you to roll over, while staying under the sheet.  The uncover and cover process will be repeated until the massage is complete. 

I will tell you when I have completed the massage, and then leave the room. After I have left, you can redress, and then leave the treatment room to the office area to complete your visit and schedule your next massage.

Sometimes, there is music of some sort playing, and sometimes not.  If you do not want the music, please say so - the massage is for you, and removing distractions will enhance your experience.  Do not feel that you have to maintain a conversation with me.  While I will be happy to converse with you, I leave the choice of whether or not to "chat" to you - many people do not want to talk while receiving massage.

If you have any questions during the massage, be sure to ask them at that time, as they come up - there may be easy adjustments that can help you benefit more from the massage. Some of the things that you might wish to speak are whether the pressure being applied is too light, or maybe too hard; are you too cold and want an extra covering, or too hot? Stiffness or soreness that shows up? Possible stretches or things you can do on your own at home to relieve some soreness?  There are lots of potential questions, and I will be happy to answer them.  The massage is co-created by you and by me - help me make it the best for you by speaking what you want or need.

The frequency of massage is also up to you - some people need a massage every week to increase performance or just stay moblie; some receive just once a month; and others only schedule a massage when they feel like a treat for themselves annually. It is your choice and you are welcome any time and at any frequency.

Enjoy your experience!